Ordnance Survey: Mapping and Data Centre

TSO and Stanfords supply a wide variety of mapping including location maps for planning, large scale maps as data or plots, or height maps and data.
Suitable for all customers whether large architectural practices, independent planning consultants or private individuals carrying out a small extension.
- Most up-to-date mapping available
- Accepted by all local authorities
- Approved by Ordnance Survey
- Countrywide coverage
- Completely fit for purpose
Key services
How to Order
- Call our map hotline: +44 (0)333 200 2428
- E-mail our map hotline: mapping@tso.co.uk
- To register for the Desktop Mapping Service (DTM) please use the above contact details or fax: +44 (0)333 202 5080
- Send details to: Mapping, TSO, PO Box 29, Norwich NR3 1GN