Delivery and Availability

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When a product is placed in your shopping basket, the screen will refresh and details of stock availability will be displayed beneath the product information:

  • Available immediately
    - This is an electronic product available to download immediately from a link provided on your order confirmation screen.
  • Available to order: 2 - 3 weeks
    - Available from the publishers - usually dispatched within 2-3 weeks.
  • Black and white copy: 1 - 3 days
    - This product will be printed in black and white by TSO upon your request. The binding method may vary - dispatch will follow within 1-3 working days.
  • Colour copy: 3 - 5 days
    - This product will be printed in colour by TSO upon your request. The binding method may vary - dispatch will follow within 3-5 working days.
  • In stock: 1 - 2 days
    - This product will be dispatched within 2 working days.
  • In stock: 3 - 5 days
    - This product is usually dispatched from our suppliers within 3-5 working days.
  • Not available to order
    - This product is not available to order online. Please contact our dedicated customer services department on +44 (0)0333 202 5070 or email
  • Not yet published: available to order
    - This product is not yet published. However, you can place an advance order for this product which will be dispatched as soon as it is published. Please note that any publication dates given are estimates only and may change without notice.
  • Not yet published: notification of publication available
    - This product is not yet published and an advance order cannot be placed. However, you can request to be notified by e-mail as soon as it is published. Please note that any publication dates given are estimates only and may change without notice.
  • Out of Print: but may be available to order
    - This product is out of print. However, legislation may be available to order as a black and white photocopy. Price and availability can be confirmed by the British Library who will be able to assist you. Contact details are: tel: +44 (0)1937 546363, email:, Customer Service Orders, The British Library, Boston Spa, Wetherby, LS23 7BQ, United Kingdom.
  • Out of stock: available to order
    - An order may be placed for this item - it is either out of stock or reprinting and will be dispatched when stock becomes available.
  • This publication may take up to 28 days to compile and be dispatched
    - Usually compiled from frequently updated loose leaves this publication may take up to 28 days to prepare.
  • Usually dispatched within 1 - 2 weeks
    - On order with the supplier - usually dispatched within 1-2 weeks.
  • Usually dispatched within 1 - 4 weeks
    - On order with the supplier - usually dispatched within 1-4 weeks.

UK standard delivery

Customers are advised to use DPD Two Day if they require a tracked service. Please note that all DPD Orders will need to be signed for. If a parcel cannot be signed for when delivered to a flat in a shared building, for security reasons it may not be suitable to leave a card to rearrange delivery.

Method Delivery time Price
Royal Mail** 2-3 working days Standard charge - £3.99*

**Please note, orders that weigh over 1.5KG will be dispatched by DPD courier, and will need to be signed for.

UK special delivery

Method Delivery time Price
DPD Next Day If ordered before 12 noon it should arrive by 5pm on the next working day* £13.50 (excl VAT)
DPD Two Day If ordered before 12 noon it should arrive within two working days* £8.20 (excl VAT)

*Customers in Northern Ireland and parts of Scotland may need to allow an additional working day for delivery.

International delivery

Method Delivery time Price
UPS International
(European Union)
1-8 working days Up to 500g £13.99; thereafter £5 per extra KG. Over 30KG reduces to £1.50 per extra KG (excl VAT)
UPS International
(Europe - non-European Union)
3-11 working days Up to 500g £20.99; thereafter £6 per extra KG. Over 30KG reduces to £2.50 per extra KG (excl VAT)
UPS International
(Rest of the World)
11-20 working days Up to 500g £28.99; thereafter £7 per extra KG. Over 30KG reduces to £5 per extra KG (excl VAT)


High value items

The British Pharmacopoeia has a set carriage option of £15 to anywhere in the UK, £60 to anywhere in Europe, £100 to the rest of the world (these are high value items so must be sent recorded and tracked).
Where products are added to the shopping basket with different specified standard carriage and handling rates the higher rate will be charged.

Delivery to Russia and Belarus

The British Pharmacopoeia is the only product delivered to Russia and Belarus. UPS deliveries to these countries can only be completed where the address includes a company name.

When will I receive my order?

If the publication is in stock at time of ordering it will be dispatched within 24 hours. If you place your order after 12 noon on a Friday (or after 12 noon on the day before a Bank Holiday) your order will be dispatched the next working day. The total delivery time is equal to the sum of availability of the title and dispatch time, e.g. if availability is 2-3 days and dispatch time 1 day, the total delivery time will be 3-4 working days.

If after the expected delivery time you have not received your order, please contact our eSupport Customer Service Team, email: or telephone: +44 (0)333 200 2425.

All goods lost in transit will also be replaced at no extra cost if notification is received by TSO, by telephone or writing, within 28 days of the date the original order was received by TSO or the date of publication of the goods, whichever shall be later.

Please note that any orders for non-TSO publications not fulfilled within 90 days will automatically be cancelled. You will be notified by email in this instance.

How can I track my order?

If you selected DPD Next Day or DPD Two Day as your delivery method then it is possible to track your order. As soon as your order is dispatched by DPD you can view your tracking number in the 'Your Account' section of TSO Shop. Simply select 'order status' and there should be a link to the details of your parcel on the DPD site: If the link doesn't immediately work you may need to copy it and paste it into a new browser.

Please note that there may be a slight delay between customers having access to their tracking number and DPD updating their site with tracking details.

Please also note: out of the international special delivery options listed above, only UPS International is a tracked service.

Grouping your items for delivery

Some of the items in your order may be available before others. When this happens we will send you the available titles as soon as possible and dispatch the remaining publications as soon as we receive them in our warehouse. We will only charge you for carriage and handling on the first delivery. All other packages from the same order will be delivered free of charge.

Changing your delivery option

At the foot of your shopping basket screen click on the drop-down list entitled 'Change your carriage type', make your selection, then click Update. The carriage option you have chosen will now be displayed next to each TSO item in your shopping basket. Please note: a different delivery option cannot be requested after an order has been confirmed.

VAT on delivery

If an item in your shopping basket attracts VAT, your carriage and handling charge will also be subject to VAT. Special delivery options are also subject to VAT.

EU VAT changes are effective from 1 July 2021

  • From 1 July 2021, all commercial goods imported into the EU will be subject to VAT. The current VAT exemption for importation of goods up to 22 Euros will be removed.
  • This means the recipient of the goods MUST pay VAT at the rate charged in the country of delivery

Please note that most shipments valued under 150 Euros are not subject to Customs duties on arrival in the EU. This is separate to VAT and will continue to apply post 1 July 2021.

Subscriptions delivery

All subscription orders, with the exception of online subscriptions, are dispatched by standard surface mail with free delivery.