This book covers the guiding principles and process of Agile perfectly in terms of detail and relevance in the real-world. Many books obsess with certain ceremonies in Agile and Scrum that most organisations and people running Agile teams understand pretty well already. I like how this book extends the basic understanding in the Agile domain and continually ties it back to real-world examples and challenges.

Robert Moores, PMI UK Agile Forum Chair (LinkedIn)opens in new tab

A great read for everyone embarking on an agile journey that needs to consider a business case and ongoing benefits realization.

Darren Wilmhurst, Director of Radtac Ltd (LinkedIn)opens in new tab

Packed with useful information, and convincingly well written, this title may prove to be a missing link for agile. This publication does an excellent job at shedding light on the arcane, and often overlooked, financial aspects within agile projects.

Stefan Bârgaoanu, Agile Coach (LinkedIn)opens in new tab

Alan articulates techniques to apply in given situations within an agile project. He demonstrates his understanding and practical experience for a variety of topics, such as risk management and currency hedging, which impressed me greatly.

Sekhar Burra, Enterprise Transformation Coach (LinkedIn)opens in new tab

Alan clearly, and thoughtfully, states the skills required for an agile financial management role. The title is expansive and easy to understand, guiding the reader through key concepts and requirements.

Gopi K Aitham, Managing Director of Mahtia (LinkedIn)opens in new tab

Any financial analyst or manager who deals with agile projects will need this book. Alan Koch, President ASK Process, Inc. This book will enable project managers to create an agile financial management strategy to smoothly reach their project goal.

Miki Matsuoka, Project Manager and Coach (LinkedIn)opens in new tab

Financial planning and management for agile initiatives is a topic that has needed some guidance for some time. This book provides a deep dive into it and will be fascinating to those who want to understand the detail of it, explaining popular financial and risk management practices and theory and aligning them to an agile approach.

Steve Messenger, DSDM Chairman (LinkedIn)opens in new tab