TSO Networked Products - United States Pharmacopeia

The United States Pharmacopeia (USP) and the National Formulary (NF) are produced together and represent the official US compendia of acceptable standards for strength, quality, purity, packaging, labelling and storage for drugs and excipients.

USP NF contains over 4000 monographs for prescription and non-prescription drug substances and dosage forms, nutritional and dietary supplements, medical devices, and other healthcare products. These monographs include important descriptions, requirements, and specifications - tests, analytical procedures, and acceptance criteria.

If you plan to use the CD-ROM version of the US Pharmacopeia on more than one workstation, your organisation is legally obliged to purchase a network licence. Besides this legal requirement, there are benefits to be gained by networking the US Pharmacopeia across your organisation.

Benefits of the Networked US Pharmacopeia:

  • Maximum access to the publication through any workstation within your organisation, and represents a considerable saving on duplicated copies
  • The full text can be downloaded onto your intranet, giving access and search capability throughout your organisation
  • All amendments and revisions issued throughout the year are available company wide simultaneously to avoid working at cross-purposes.
  • Network licence holders benefit from dedicated management resource at TSO.
For further information or to buy a network licence for the United States Pharmacopeia contact us:
Email: sales@tso.co.uk
Tel: +44 (0)870 600 5522

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