Keeping it Green

Why is buying an official copy of legislation the 'green' choice?

Save money, save the planet

Printing a copy yourself could cost up to 1p per page in recycled copier paper alone - save money and cut down on waste by buying a official copy, printed and bound to the Office of Public Sector Information (OPSI) standards.

Long-term preservation of information

Copies of legislation are printed on the highest quality archival paper to meet the requirements of OPSI. Buying a copy means that you receive a quality product, designed for the long-term preservation of information in official archives. You should never need to print off a copy again.

TSO's environmental policy

As the official publisher of legislation for OPSI, environmental compliance, prevention and control of pollution are an integral part of TSO's processes. TSO monitors the environmental impacts of the goods and services it provides and works continually to improve environmental performance.

Visit the TSO website for our Environmental Policy Statement.